Optimize the LCP Resource Load Delay

From delay to display: learn how to improve the resource load delay part of the Largest Contentful Paint

Arjen Karel Core Web Vitals Consultant
Arjen Karel - linkedin
Last update: 2024-10-22

Optimize the LCP Resource Load Delay

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a crucial web performance metric that measures how quickly the largest contentful element becomes visible within the viewport. The resource load delay is a sub-part of the LCP that indicates how much time is lost between the actual and the optimal time the LCP resource was queued for download. Let's dive deep into the resource load delay aspect of LCP and explore its importance and optimization strategies.

LCP TIP: most of the time the LCP will be much worse when the LCP is not a text element. That is why, when debugging the LCP it makes sense to log all LCP elements and their type!

What is Resource Load Delay in LCP?

Resource Load delay, also known as Load Delay, is the time it takes for the browser to discover and start downloading the LCP element after receiving the initial server response. This delay occurs between the Time to First Byte (TTFB) and the actual loading of the LCP resource.

lcp resource load delay

For image-based LCP elements, the load delay represents the time between when the HTML document starts loading and when the browser identifies and begins downloading the image. If the LCP element is not an image (e.g., a text block), the load delay is typically 0 milliseconds.

Why Load Delay Matters

Load delay is a critical factor in determining your overall LCP score and, consequently, your website's performance. Here's why it's important:

User Experience: A shorter load delay means users can see the main content faster, improving their perception of your site's speed and responsiveness.

  • SEO Impact: As part of the Core Web Vitals, LCP affects your website's search engine rankings. Reducing load delay can help improve your LCP score and potentially boost your SEO performance
  • Conversion Rates: Faster-loading pages tend to have higher conversion rates. By minimizing load delay, you increase the chances of engaging users before they lose interest.
  • Bounce Rate Reduction: A quick-loading LCP element can help reduce bounce rates by quickly presenting valuable content to visitors!

How to detect resource load delay

There are 2 easy ways to detect resource load delay. The first one is by inspecting the network panel. To minimize the LCP resource load delay the LCP element should be among the first elements that are enqueued for download.
The second is by using RUM data. Rum stands for Real User Monitoring. Most RUM data tools will lot the LCP attribution data

How to Improve Load Delay

To optimize your LCP load delay, consider implementing the following strategies:

1. Optimize HTML Structure

Reference the LCP element directly in your HTML code. Avoid relying heavily on JavaScript to inject or manipulate the LCP element, as this can increase load delay.

<img src="hero-image.jpg" alt="Hero Image" fetchpriority="high">

2. Use Fetch Priority

Implement the fetchpriority="high" attribute for your LCP element. This signals to the browser that the resource should be prioritized during loading.

3. Implement Preloading

Use the <link rel="preload"> tag to instruct the browser to fetch critical resources, like the LCP image, as soon as possible.

<link rel="preload" as="image" href="hero-image.jpg">

4. Optimize Server Response Time

Improve your Time to First Byte (TTFB) by optimizing server performance. This can include upgrading your hosting, implementing caching, and optimizing database queries.

5. Minimize Render-Blocking Resources

Reduce or eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS. Inline critical CSS and defer non-essential scripts to allow the browser to discover and load the LCP element faster.

6. Optimize Images

If your LCP element is an image, ensure it's properly optimized:

Use modern image formats like WebP

Implement responsive images

Compress images without significant quality loss

Consider lazy-loading non-LCP images to reduce bandwidth competition

7. Implement Efficient Lazy-Loading

If using lazy-loading, ensure it doesn't negatively impact your LCP element. Avoid lazy-loading above-the-fold content, especially the LCP element itself.

8. Utilize Browser Caching

Implement effective browser caching strategies to store resources locally on the user's device, reducing load times for returning visitors.

9. Optimize for Mobile

Given that mobile performance is crucial for SEO and user experience, ensure your LCP optimization strategies are effective on mobile devices. This may involve different approaches compared to desktop optimization.

10. Monitor and Analyze

Regularly monitor your LCP performance using tools like Lighthouse, PageSpeed Insights, or Calibre. Analyze the results to identify specific areas for improvement in your load delay-

lighthouse 100 score

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Optimize the LCP Resource Load DelayCore Web Vitals Optimize the LCP Resource Load Delay