The best CloudFlare configuration for passing the Core Web Vitals

Configure CloudFlare for maximum pagespeed and understand the settings you have to play with

Arjen Karel Core Web Vitals Consultant
Arjen Karel - linkedin
Last update: 2025-03-25

Optimizing Core Web Vitals with Cloudflare: What to Enable and What to Avoid

Cloudflare offers a wide range of settings that can impact Core Web Vitals, both positively and negatively. While some settings improve performance, others introduce delays or interfere with page rendering. Let’s break down the most common Cloudflare options and under what conditions you should enable them!

Common CloudFlare Setup Questions: I often review CloudFlare setups for clients. While I could write books about setting up a CDN like CloudFlare most questions revolve around a simple 'should I enable this setting?'. This article answers those questions with the appropriate considerations for the most common CloudFlare settings related to the Core Web Vitals.

Free vs. Pro: Is an Upgrade Worth It?

CloudFlare offers different packages: Free, Pro, Business or Enterprise. While there are all sorts of reasons to upgrade beyond a pro account, for getting access to features that will improve the Core Web Vitals a pro account will suffice. Would I advise to upgrade a free account to a pro account? Yes, in most cases ipgrading is worth the cost

Speed > Optimization


Polish optimizes images hosted on your CloudFlare domain by compressing them and stripping the images of their meta data and optionally converting  them to WebP images. 

Smaller image sizes usually will improve the Largest Contenful Paint by improving the image resource load duration. However, since LCP is influenced by multiple factors other then the resource load duration of images, don't expect drastic improvements.!

cloudflare settings polish

Recommendation: Enable and choose 'Lossy Webp' for best results.


Mirage optimizes images based on network conditions. While this idea is noble the implementation is 'slow by design'. In order to optimize the images for all network conditions the images on the page need to be blocked until the network connection speed has been measured.  This blocking of images can Layout Shifts and ironically a lower Largest Contentful Paint score.

cloudflare settings mirage

Recommendation: Avoid enabling under any circumstance!

Speed Brain

Speed brain uses the Speculation Rules API to speed up the Time to First Byte by prefetching future navigations. While Speculation rules are extremely effective in improving all the Core Web Vitals including the Largest Contenful Paint I do not recommend enabling this CloudFlare feature because 'self-configuring' the speculation rules is super easy and far more effective then CloudFlare's 'one size fit's all solution', even with their RUM integration! 

cloudflare settings speedbrain

Recommendation: Disable and configure speculation rules manually

CloudFlare Fonts

CloudFlare fonts automates font self-hosting. This is a great idea because self hosting important resources eliminates, new external connections which are by default slower then re-using the already open connection to your CloudFlare proxied site.

It is more effective to take 15 minutes and manually configure self-hosting font files. Unfortunately plenty of CMS systems that do not allow this. In that case enabling CloudFlare fonts is a perfectly valid option.

cloudflare settings fonts

Recommendation: Disable by default; enable only if manual self-hosting is not an option.

Early Hints

Early hints speed up critical resource delivery (like styles, fonts or images) by hinting at them before the actual html content is send to the browser. To send a resource hint through CloudFlare, CloudFlare will ready your response header and extract resource hints from there. 

If you are comfortable sending resource hints in html response headers I highly suggest enabling this feature. However be aware that resource hints might be much more hidden to you dev-team then resource hints in the head of the page.If misconfigured, they can slow things down instead of speeding them up. So, use with caution.

cloudflare settings 103 early resource hints

Recommendation: Enable only if you're correctly sending resource hint headers.

Rocket Loader™

Rocket loader 'defers' all JavaScripts on a webpage by withholding them temporarily and then injecting them into the page again a few moments later.  This is a nasty (or neat, depending on your view) trick that needs lots of checks and hacks to ensure it will work properly on all  browsers. Also this trick hides the scripts form the preload scanner, a mechanism designed to speed up the loading of critical resources..

For the above reasons, obviously, I am not a fan of blindly enabling Rocket loader. Scripts should be scheduled based on their importance. Critical scripts need to load and execute early, while non-essential scripts can wait until the browser is idle.

CloudFlare's Rocket Loader does do that. It withholds the scripts and at a certain point in time and injects them without consideration to their importance. Rocket loader only prioritizes other resources like the LCP element, fonts and styles over scripts. If your CMS does not allow script deferring or more fine-grained script timing rocket loader could be your best option.

cloudflare settings rocket loader

Recommendation: Disable and schedule scripts manually. Only enable if you have no other way to defer or control script execution.

Automatic Platform Optimization for WordPress

CloudFlare's APO cached entire pages on the it's edge servers, a technique known as full-page edge caching. When implemented correctly, it will improve the Time to Fist Byte (and subsequently the LCP and FCP) for a certain type of visitor! 

However, there are some important caveats. Full Page edge caching often needs to be bypassed for your most valuable visitors: those who actually make purchases. Once a user logs in or adds items to their cart, APO is automatically disabled since the page content becomes personalized (e.g., displaying the user's name or cart details). At that point, serving a generic cached page is no longer an option..

cloudflare settings apo

Recommendation: Enable APO, or better yet, configure your own full-page edge caching rules for better control over when caching is bypassed.

HTTP/2 and HTTP/2 to Origin

Enabling HTTP/2 and HTTP/2 to Origin is a no-brainer.  Http/2 is a huge improvement over the older HTTP/1.1 protocol and get's rid of the old staircase effect by allowing multiple files to be send over the same connection in parallel. 

Advise: enable

Enhanced HTTP/2 Prioritization

We collect  RUM data with CoreDash in real time to measure the Core Web Vitals and for all that I have measured I have never found any impact on enabling or disabling this feature. I guess you should measure and find out for yourself with this one

Advise: measure with Core/Dash and find out

HTTP/3 (with QUIC)

HTTP/3 with QUIC is even faster then HTTP/2  because of improvements in connection setup and latency. Basically HTTP/3 allows multiple streams to be send independently even if one is delayed. QUIC combines transport and encryption handshakes which reduced connection time. This results in up top 10% faster TTFB times!

Advise: enable

0-RTT Connection Resumption

0-RTT Connection Resumption speeds up secure connections by skipping the initial handshake when a user revisits a site. It uses previously stored encryption keys, allowing data to be sent immediately, reducing latency and improving page load times. 

Advise: enable

Automatic Signed Exchanges (SXGs)

Signed exchanges (SXG) allow Google Search to prefetch your content while preserving the user's privacy. At the moment this setting does not see to do too much with speculation rules being enabled for search results.

Advise: do not bother

Scrape Shield

Scrape Shield protects the content on your website. While this might seem like a good idea I am fervently agains enabling any Scrape sheeld options. Scrape sheeld works by injecting JavaScripts into your page to decode the previously oibfuscated content. This trade-off in speed versus hiding contente makes no sense to me. Real spammers are not fooled while real users get extra scripts that slow down the page.

Advise: disable Email Address Obfuscation and disable Hotlink Protection

Caching > Configuration

Purge Cache

Purging the cache will invalidate all files cached by CloudFlare including stylesheets, JavaScript, images and even full page caches. And while purge cache is technically not a setting I must warn about clearing the cache. Clearing the cache will make your site slower until the cache has been rebuilt!

Caching Level

Cache level determines how CloudFlare handles query strings (I know: 'whats in a name!'). You will want to take a good look at this setting. 

The 'fastest' option is 'ignore query string'. This served the same resource regardless of the query string. This is only a sage option if you are 100% that query strings are not used on your site. In that case, query strings added by others are ignored.

'Standard' serves a different cached file for every different query string. This is the default setting for CloudFlare but in combination with full page edge caching and tracking paramaters like utm parameters this setting can cause cache mismatch and a lower cache hit ratio!

Browser Cache TTL

The browser cache TTL tells the browser how lang it can cache static resources. Cached resources can be served directly from the browser and are much faster then remote network resources. That means a short browser cache TTL would invalidate the browser cache frequently, lowering the cache-hit-ratio. So, unless your static files change frequently, set this setting to max. 

Advise: set to 1 year if possible

Development Mode

Development mode will bypass all CloudFlare caching while enabled. Please do not enable development mode. Instead set up a development domain where you can develop

Advise: do not enable!

Caching > Tiered Cache

Tiered cache reduced the number of requests to your origin server and increases the cache hit ratio by instructing CloudFlare to look for uncached files t it's own servers first. 

Advise: enable smart cache topology

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The best CloudFlare configuration for passing the Core Web VitalsCore Web Vitals The best CloudFlare configuration for passing the Core Web Vitals